4、叶轮表面的气蚀。由于叶片背水面运行时产生负压,当压力pk 5、容积损失和机械损失。由于泵使用时间长,球铁混流泵安装,机械磨损产生漏失和阻力增大,使容积效率和机械效率降低。 以上原因,使水泵性能变差。运行效率降低2~5%,---的可以使水泵效率降低10%以上。 2、水泵起动后有一股水就不出水了 after starting , the pump only send one stream water then no water runs out 1、吸入的水中有过多气泡 2、吸水管中窝存空气 3、吸水管或连接处垫料不严密有进气现象 4、底阀或叶轮有水草杂物填塞 1.there are too many bubbles in the indrawn water 2.there is air in the suction pipes 3.the paddings in connected parts are imprecision&produces leaking phenomenon 4.there are waterweeds&sundries filled in the bottom valve/impeller 1、检查进水管末端是否在水平面以下一米左右 2、排除空气 3、高速垫料,抚州混流泵安装,填塞缝隙拧紧螺栓 4、消除水草杂物 1.check the end of water inlet pipe if it is under the water surface at one meter 2. remove the air 3.add padding to fill the gaps&then tighten the bolts 4.clear the waterweeds&sundries. 注意功率是否突然增大或降低,流量扬程是否突然减少,雨水混流泵安装,如有应停车检查。 pay more attention to know if the power suddenly increases/reduces, if the flow&head are suddenly lessen, if it is,大流量混流泵安装, pls stop to check. 3、经常注意检查各部分螺丝是否因振动而松动,如松动应随时上紧。 check all parts screws if they are loose, tighten them after finding.